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Integrating the CMS

Now that we know how to setup a feature in Vyuh, let’s see how we can integrate it with a CMS. We will be using 🔗 for this example, which is also our default supported CMS.

1. Setup the Sanity CMS

Sanity is a headless CMS that allows you to define your own schemas and content types, entirely in code. This makes it easy to quickly build sophisticated schemas without wrestling with any Drag-n-Drop builders. It also sports a Studio which becomes the go-to UI tool for content editors. In this section, we will set up the studio and use the Vyuh Framework to build a simple blog schema and its corresponding widget.

Scaffold the project

Set up a free Sanity project using the guides from 🔗 or use the command line shown below:

Terminal window
pnpm dlx create-sanity@latest

While creating the sanity project, select the project template as Clean project with no predefined schema types

An Aside on developing with a CMS 🤔

Vyuh is designed to be CMS-agnostic and allows a different style of building Apps where you give the control of content to the content-editors. This is a powerful way to build apps where the content is the king and the app is just a medium to display it.

Content is not limited to only the text and other visual blocks on a CMS but it can be your entire App Experience. This technique has been a key pillar in building large scale apps where the content and experience can be very dynamic.

In this regard, the CMS becomes your declarative, no-code tool where you focus on what content should be shown under what conditions and the Flutter App becomes the code that renders it. Every block that is available on the CMS has its counterpart in Flutter. It’s a different way of building apps and a throwback to Model-Driven Development.

What you get is a dynamic App that can be changed on the fly without an App Store release. It also allows greater exploration of the app experience and can be a great tool for A/B testing.

2. Configure the Studio

Add the following dependencies to your package.json and run pnpm install . These dependencies will help in the schema development with Sanity and Vyuh.

dependencies: {
/* Other Dependencies */
'@vyuh/sanity-plugin-structure': '^1.16.2',
'@vyuh/sanity-schema-core': '^1.16.2',
'@vyuh/sanity-schema-system': '^1.16.2',

Once installation is done, go to the sanity.config.ts file and update the contents as below

import { defineConfig } from 'sanity'
import { vyuh } from '@vyuh/sanity-plugin-structure'
import { system } from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-system'
export default defineConfig([
name: 'default',
title: 'My Blog',
basePath: '/',
projectId: '<Your Sanity Project ID>',
dataset: 'production',
plugins: [
features: [
// ... other features ... //

Now run the project, using pnpm dev

Your studio should look something like above with the standard document types of Route, Conditional Route, Category and Region.

3. Explore the Sanity Studio

Let’s create a simple route for a blog post, with the path /blog. Add a region on the route and call it body. Inside this region, add the Portable Text block.

Now let’s create some text and format it to look like a real blog post. We can add a title, section-headings, paragraphs, and images to the post.

4. Create the feature on the Flutter side

Just like we had the FeatureDescriptor for setting up the schemas in Sanity, we also have an equivalent FeatureDescriptor on the Flutter side that handles the rendering of these schemas. Let’s set it up inside the feature.dart file.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart';
final feature = FeatureDescriptor(
name: 'blog',
title: 'My diary of travel blogs',
description: 'Chronicling my journeys across the world in my travel blog',
icon: Icons.pages,
routes: () async {
return [
path: '/blog',
pageBuilder: defaultRoutePageBuilder,

Note that the defaultRoutePageBuilder is a standard page-builder that knows how to work with CMS routes. We are also declaring our starting blog entry in the /blog route.

5. Setup the Vyuh app

We are now in the final leg of this journey, where we connect the content, feature and the app to see all of it in action.

We need to add few packages from the framework that allows rendering of the CMS content and also show a Developer View of the features. Run this command in your project directory:

Terminal window
flutter pub add vyuh_feature_system vyuh_feature_developer vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity

Notice the reference to the Sanity Content Provider package. This is the key package that allows connecting to Sanity and fetching documents.

Now we add SanityContentProvider within the DefaultContentPlugin. This creates the connection to the Sanity Studio we setup earlier and can fetch content on demand.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:sanity_client/client.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vc;
import 'package:vyuh_extension_content/vyuh_extension_content.dart';
import 'feature.dart' as blog;
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart' as system;
import 'package:vyuh_feature_developer/vyuh_feature_developer.dart'
as developer;
import 'package:vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity/vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity.dart';
void main() async {
initialLocation: '/blog',
features: () => [
plugins: PluginDescriptor(
content: DefaultContentPlugin(
provider: SanityContentProvider(
dataset: 'your_dataset',
projectId: 'your_project_id',
  • We use the /blog as our initialRoute to load it up as the starting page of our App.
  • The project-id should be the same as the one used earlier for the Studio setup
  • To get the token, visit the Manage console of the Sanity Project and create a Read Token. The token is a security measure and ensures only validated requests are allowed by Sanity.

Now run the app and be ready to be greeted by our lovely blog. Play around in the Studio to add more text, images, and moving blocks around. If you hit the refresh icon at the bottom-left of the screen, you will see the content updates live on your App.

Blog post rendered with Vyuh

6. Enable Live Content Editing New

One of the most powerful features of Vyuh is the ability to see content changes in real-time without having to restart your app or manually refresh. This feature, called Live Content Editing, significantly improves your development workflow.

How to Enable Live Routes

Enabling Live Content Editing is as simple as setting the useLiveRoute flag to true on the DefaultContentPlugin. Here’s how you can modify your main.dart file:

void main() async {
initialLocation: '/blog',
features: () => [
plugins: PluginDescriptor(
content: DefaultContentPlugin(
useLiveRoute: true, // Enable live routes
provider: SanityContentProvider(
dataset: 'your_dataset',
projectId: 'your_project_id',
perspective: Perspective.previewDrafts, // To see draft content
useCdn: false, // Required for live updates

Important Configuration Notes

For Live Content Editing to work properly, make sure to:

  1. Set useLiveRoute: true on the DefaultContentPlugin
  2. Set perspective: Perspective.previewDrafts to see draft content before publishing
  3. Set useCdn: false as we want to work with draft content
  4. Provide a valid Sanity token with appropriate permissions. Without a valid token this will fail.

How It Works

Behind the scenes, Vyuh leverages Sanity’s Live Content API to establish a real-time connection between your app and the CMS. When content changes are made in the Sanity Studio, the API sends those changes to your app, which then updates the UI accordingly.

This works in both development and production environments. In production, you would typically need to publish your content before it appears on customer devices, unless you specifically configure your app to show draft content.

Manual Route Refreshing

In addition to live updates, Vyuh also provides a way to manually refresh routes through the allowRouteRefresh parameter. This is useful when you want to give users the ability to pull-to-refresh content or when you need a refresh button in your UI.

void main() async {
initialLocation: '/blog',
features: () => [
plugins: PluginDescriptor(
content: DefaultContentPlugin(
useLiveRoute: true,
allowRouteRefresh: true, // Enable manual refreshing
provider: SanityContentProvider(
dataset: 'your_dataset',
projectId: 'your_project_id',
perspective: Perspective.previewDrafts,
useCdn: false,
Manual Refresh Button

This parameter works with both live routes and static routes, giving you flexibility in how content updates are handled in your application.


This guide gave you a quick way of creating content on Sanity and seeing it live on the Device Simulator. With the power of the Vyuh Framework, you can make changes on Sanity and have it rendered in real-time.

Try exploring other Content types such as Cards, Groups, and playing around with Actions and Conditions. This is just the beginning and there is lot you can do with custom content and the Vyuh Framework. We will explore more in other guides.