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Vyuh Core


The Vyuh Core package provides the foundation for building Vyuh applications. It includes the core runtime, plugin system, and extension mechanisms that power the framework.

Core Components


The main entry point for bootstrapping a Vyuh application. It initializes the platform, sets up the plugin system, and starts the application with the specified features. The function handles the initialization sequence, ensuring plugins are loaded in the correct order and features are properly registered before the application starts.

void runApp({
required FeaturesBuilder features,
PluginDescriptor? plugins,
PlatformWidgetBuilder? platformWidgetBuilder,
String? initialLocation,
  • features: A builder function that returns a Features object configuring app features
  • plugins: Optional PluginDescriptor specifying plugins (defaults to PluginDescriptor.defaultPlugins)
  • platformWidgetBuilder: Optional builder for platform-specific widgets
  • initialLocation: Optional initial route location

Feature System


A comprehensive descriptor for defining features in a Vyuh application. It encapsulates all aspects of a feature including its metadata, initialization logic, routing, and extensions. Features are the primary building blocks of a Vyuh application, providing modular and reusable functionality that can be composed together. The descriptor ensures features are properly isolated and can be independently developed and tested.

final class FeatureDescriptor {
final String name;
final String title;
final String? description;
final IconData? icon;
final VoidFutureFunction? init;
final VoidFutureFunction? dispose;
final List<ExtensionDescriptor>? extensions;
final List<ExtensionBuilder>? extensionBuilders;
final RouteBuilderFunction? routes;
required this.title,
required RouteBuilderFunction routes,

Plugin System

Vyuh uses a plugin architecture to provide core functionality and enable extensibility. Each plugin follows a common interface pattern and can be configured through the PluginDescriptor.

Core Plugins

Content Plugin

The backbone of Vyuh’s content management system. It provides a standardized interface for content retrieval, caching, and updates. This plugin is essential for applications that need to manage and display structured content from CMS systems like Includes both the main plugin interface and a no-op implementation for testing.

Authentication Plugin

Manages user authentication and session state. Provides a unified interface for different authentication providers while handling common authentication flows, session persistence, and user state management. Supports anonymous authentication, email/password, phone OTP, and OAuth providers.

Powers Vyuh’s routing and navigation system. Provides a declarative way to define routes, handle deep linking, and manage navigation state. Includes both the plugin interface and a default implementation using GoRouter.

Analytics Plugin

Enables comprehensive user interaction tracking and analytics. Provides a flexible interface for logging events and user properties, supporting multiple analytics providers while maintaining a clean separation between business logic and analytics implementation.

Network Plugin

Handles all network communication. Provides a standardized interface for making HTTP requests while supporting features like request interceptors, response caching, and error handling. Includes a default HTTP implementation.

Environment Plugin

Manages environment-specific configuration and feature flags. Provides a type-safe way to access environment variables and configuration values, supporting different environments (development, staging, production). Includes both the interface and a default implementation.

Telemetry Plugin

Provides comprehensive logging and monitoring capabilities. Supports multiple telemetry providers and log levels, enabling detailed application monitoring and debugging. Includes a no-op provider for testing.

Dependency Injection Plugin

Manages dependency injection throughout the application. Provides a clean way to register and resolve dependencies. Includes a default implementation using the GetIt service locator.

Event Plugin

Provides a type-safe event bus for application-wide communication. Supports both synchronous and asynchronous event handling with a pub/sub pattern.

abstract class EventPlugin extends Plugin {
// Subscribe to events
DisposeFunction on<T extends VyuhEvent>(VyuhEventListener<T> listener);
// One-time event subscription
void once<T extends VyuhEvent>(VyuhEventListener<T> listener);
// Emit events
void emit<T extends VyuhEvent>(T event);

Storage Plugin

Manages data persistence with both regular and secure storage options. Provides a consistent interface for key-value storage operations.

// Regular storage for non-sensitive data
abstract class StoragePlugin extends Plugin {
Future<dynamic> read(String key);
Future<dynamic> write(String key, dynamic value);
Future<bool> has(String key);
Future<bool> delete(String key);
// Secure storage for sensitive data
abstract class SecureStoragePlugin extends Plugin {
Future<dynamic> read(String key);
Future<dynamic> write(String key, dynamic value);
Future<bool> has(String key);
Future<bool> delete(String key);

Plugin Providers

Each plugin can have multiple providers that implement the actual functionality:

  • Content Providers: Implement content fetching and manipulation for different backends
  • Analytics Providers: Implement analytics tracking for different services
  • Telemetry Providers: Implement logging for different logging systems
  • Auth Providers: Implement authentication for different auth services

Default Implementations

Vyuh provides default implementations for most plugins:

  • NoOpContentPlugin: A no-op implementation of the content plugin
  • DefaultNavigationPlugin: Default implementation using GoRouter
  • HttpNetworkPlugin: Default HTTP-based network implementation
  • DefaultEnvPlugin: Basic environment variable management
  • GetItDIPlugin: Default dependency injection using GetIt
  • NoOpTelemetryProvider: No-op implementation for telemetry

Platform Widgets

Vyuh provides a set of customizable platform widgets for common UI patterns:

Error Views

Handles various error states in the application:

  • Network errors
  • Content loading failures
  • Route not found
  • General error boundaries

Loading States

Customizable loading indicators for:

  • Initial app loading
  • Content fetching
  • Route transitions
  • Plugin initialization

Framework Views

Special views for framework states:

  • Platform initialization
  • Plugin loading
  • Feature registration
  • Debug information

Custom Platform Widgets

You can customize the platform widgets by implementing the PlatformWidgetBuilder:

final class PlatformWidgetBuilder {
required this.appBuilder,
required this.appLoader,
required this.contentLoader,
required this.routeLoader,
required this.errorView,
required this.routeErrorView,
required this.imagePlaceholder,
// Root app widget builder (MaterialApp/CupertinoApp)
final AppBuilder appBuilder;
// Loading states
final Loader appLoader; // App initialization
final Loader contentLoader; // Content loading
final RouteLoader routeLoader; // Route transitions
// Error handling
final ErrorViewBuilder errorView; // General errors
final RouteErrorViewBuilder routeErrorView; // Route-specific errors
// Asset handling
final ImagePlaceholderBuilder imagePlaceholder;
// Builder function types
typedef AppBuilder = Widget Function(VyuhPlatform platform);
typedef Loader = Widget Function(BuildContext context);
typedef RouteLoader = Widget Function(BuildContext context, [Uri? url, String? routeId]);
typedef ImagePlaceholderBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, {double? width, double? height});
typedef ErrorViewBuilder = Widget Function(
BuildContext context, {
required String title,
dynamic error,
StackTrace? stackTrace,
String? retryLabel,
VoidCallback? onRetry,
String? subtitle,
bool showRestart,
typedef RouteErrorViewBuilder = Widget Function(
BuildContext context, {
required String title,
String? retryLabel,
VoidCallback? onRetry,
dynamic error,
StackTrace? stackTrace,
String? subtitle,

Usage Example

void main() {
initialLocation: '/',
plugins: PluginDescriptor(
content: DefaultContentPlugin(
provider: SanityContentProvider.withConfig(
config: SanityConfig(
projectId: '<your-project-id>',
dataset: 'production',
perspective: Perspective.previewDrafts,
useCdn: false,
token: '<your-token>',
cacheDuration: const Duration(seconds: 5),
env: DefaultEnvPlugin(),
auth: MyCustomAuthPlugin(),
telemetry: TelemetryPlugin(
providers: [],
features: () => [
// Core Vyuh features
// Custom features