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Vyuh Feature System


This is a system level feature that is needed for all Vyuh Apps. It includes the fundamental blocks for rendering Content Items and Routes, handling Actions, branching based on Conditions and switching between different Layouts for content items.

The following sections go into details of the various elements exposed in this feature.

Content Items

Content Items, also known as Structured Content Blocks, represent the visual and information blocks used in an Application. These blocks can be configured on the CMS and have a visual equivalent rendered with Flutter. The default layouts are shown below. However, they are completely customizable with custom layouts.

The System feature includes core elements such as:


This is one of the most versatile content blocks in Vyuh. A card has a title, description and image as its primary properties. It also includes a primary action that is triggered on a tap or click. Similarly there are secondary and tertiary actions for advanced use cases.


This represents a collection of items such as a list, carousel or other kinds of related items that are shown together visually. It includes a title, description and the items as its primary fields. The items field can include an arbitrary combination of content-items and need not be homogenous.

API Content

The block allows you to render content from a third-party API with rich customizations on the display. It relies on a specific configuration that represents the type of API that will be invoked along with any custom display properties for further customizations.


This allows you to use a Condition at runtime to decide the type of Content Item to show. You can define multiple cases for the condition and their corresponding content items.

Portable Text

Renders text using the Portable Text ๐Ÿ”— specification. It allows the use of custom blocks, styles and annotations for a highly customized rich text display.


This represents a logical divider between content items. It renders as a line by default and allows separating sections of content in your page. With custom layouts you can make it as fancy as you like.


This is a group of items that each have their own title and set of content items. It renders as a set of collapsible items that can be expanded to show its content. In the collapsed mode, only the title is shown

Video Player

A simple video-player that plays a video from a Network Url with an optional title. You can control aspects such as autoplay, looping and muting the volume.


Useful when you donโ€™t want to show anything. It is generally used in the context of a Conditional as a content-item for the false value.


This is a special type of content that is only used by the system to represent exceptional situations, especially when there is a missing type registration for an item. It is not meant to be used directly and not exposed on the CMS as well.


Routes represent individual pages or screens of content. When creating a user journey, you would create several routes and link them together. Routes are a special kind of Content Item. The system feature includes two kinds of routes:

  • Page
  • Dialog

Conditional Routes

A special type of Route that allows branching between two or more routes based on a condition. Conditions are configured on the CMS and evaluated at runtime on the App by the framework.

A simple example of a Conditional Route is one where you go to the Login Route if the user is not authenticated and straight to the Home route when already logged in.


Layouts represent different ways of rendering a Content Item. Every content item can have one or more layouts along with a default layout. Following are the various layouts supported by the Content Items mentioned earlier.

  • Card
    • Default
    • Button
    • List Item
  • Group
    • Default
    • Carousel
    • Grid
    • Vertical List
  • Portable Text
    • Default
  • Accordion
    • Default
  • Divider
    • Default
  • Empty
    • Default
  • Unknown
    • Default
  • API Content
    • Default
  • Route
    • Default
    • Tabs
    • Single Item
  • Conditional Route
    • Default


Actions allows you to invoke specific operations based on certain user or system events. These could range from showing a dialog to making API calls. The following actions are built into the system feature:

  • Navigate to a Url or a Route
  • Navigate Back
  • Show Alert
  • Delay
  • Open/Close Drawer
  • Open/Close End-Drawer
  • Open a route in a Dialog
  • Open Url in a platform-specific App
  • Refresh a Route
  • Restart the Vyuh Application
  • Show/Hide a SnackBar
  • Toggle Light/Dark Themes


A Condition is evaluated at runtime and results in one of many values. The conditions in the system feature are:

  • Simple Boolean
  • Current Platform
  • Current Theme
  • Feature Flag
  • Current Screen Size
  • User Authenticated