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Custom Layout

The default layouts that are normally used with a content item will rarely be sufficient for all of the App scenarios. For example, the default Card layout that is available out of the box is a good start but may not be applicable for all pages of the app. In some cases, you would want an enlarged view of the same card and in some cases a mini-view.

To cater to all of these scenarios, the Vyuh Framework allows extending a Content Item with additional layouts. In fact, any feature can provide these layouts, allowing even unrelated features to contribute to the overall list of layouts for a content item.

In this guide, let’s add a custom layout for the ProductCard item we created in another article. If you haven’t seen the article yet, take a quick read and come back here.

The default layout for the ProductCard item, that we created earlier, looks like below.

Default layout for ProductCard

We will change things up a bit and make the image come on the left and show just the title, price and category. This will be our mini-view of the ProductCard. Let’s get started.

1. Creating a Mini-view layout schema

The schema that we will use to represent the mini-view layout configuration will be a simple one. We will have a simple boolean to control whether the category should be shown or not. Thus our schema looks like so:

export const productMiniViewLayout = defineType({
name: `${ProductCardDescriptor.schemaType}.layout.miniView`,
title: 'Mini View',
type: 'object',
fields: [
name: 'showCategory',
title: 'Show Category',
type: 'boolean',
initialValue: true,
preview: {
select: {
showCategory: 'showCategory',
prepare(selection) {
return {
title: 'Mini View',
subtitle: `Show Category: ${selection.showCategory ?? false}`,

There are couple of things to note in this schema. Firstly, our schema is no longer a simple string but a template string that uses the ProductCardDescriptor.schemaType as its prefix. The reason why we have switched to using a ProductCardDescriptor is partly for convention and also because we need a custom ContentDescriptor to allow adding more layouts.

Creating the ProductCardDescriptor and ProductCardContentBuilder

The descriptor and builder for the Product content item are fairly simple as there is no custom configuration being created. We rely on the built-in capability of the base ContentSchemaBuilder to do all the work of assembling layouts.

import { defineField, defineType, SchemaTypeDefinition } from 'sanity'
import { IoShirt as Icon } from 'react-icons/io5'
import {
} from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-core'
// Descriptor
export class ProductCardDescriptor extends ContentDescriptor {
static schemaType = 'misc.productCard'
constructor(props: Partial<ContentDescriptor> = {}) {
super(ProductCardDescriptor.schemaType, props)
// Schema builder
export class ProductCardContentBuilder extends ContentSchemaBuilder {
private schema = productCard // refers to the schema for the Product content item
constructor() {
build(descriptors: ContentDescriptor[]): SchemaTypeDefinition {
return this.schema

Notice that the content builder associates itself with the ProductCard using the ProductCardDescriptor.schemaType.

2. Exporting in the FeatureDescriptor

Now that we have our core elements ready, its time to export them in the FeatureDescriptor. We do that like so:

import {
} from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-core'
import { RouteDescriptor } from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-system'
import {
} from './content/product-card.ts'
export const misc = new FeatureDescriptor({
name: 'misc',
title: 'Miscellaneous',
contents: [
new RouteDescriptor({
regionItems: [{ type: ProductCardDescriptor.schemaType }],
new ProductCardDescriptor({
layouts: [
contentSchemaBuilders: [new ProductCardContentBuilder()],

The main lines to notice are from 22-25, where we export the default layout and the mini-view layout. Now we have an option to chose this layout when creating the Product item in the CMS, as seen below.

Choosing a layout for the ProductCard

Using the Mini View layout

3. Creating the Dart LayoutConfiguration

The Dart counterpart for the layout is just a type-safe version of the JSON schema we created earlier. This can be seen below. We also see a simplified layout of the ProductCard in the build() method.

import 'package:design_system/utils/extensions.dart';
import 'package:feature_misc/content/product/product_card.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart' hide Card;
part 'mini_view_layout.g.dart';
final class MiniViewProductCardLayout extends LayoutConfiguration<ProductCard> {
static const schemaName = '${ProductCard.schemaName}.layout.miniView';
static final typeDescriptor = TypeDescriptor(
schemaType: schemaName,
title: 'Mini View Layout',
fromJson: MiniViewProductCardLayout.fromJson,
final bool showCategory;
MiniViewProductCardLayout({this.showCategory = true})
: super(schemaType: schemaName);
factory MiniViewProductCardLayout.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
Widget build(BuildContext context, ProductCard content) {
final theme = Theme.of(context);
return Card(
clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Row(
children: [
if (content.image != null)
padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: theme.spacing.s8),
child: ContentImage(
ref: content.image!,
width: 64,
fit: BoxFit.contain,
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
if (showCategory)
style: theme.textTheme.labelSmall,
theme.textTheme.titleMedium?.apply(heightFactor: 0.75),
SizedBox(height: theme.spacing.s8),
theme.textTheme.bodyMedium?.apply(fontWeightDelta: 2),

4. Exporting it in the feature

By including the layout in the FeatureDescriptor, via the ProductCardDescriptor(line 10), we can now be sure that it will be picked up and rendered correctly.

final feature = FeatureDescriptor(
name: 'misc',
title: 'Misc',
icon: Icons.miscellaneous_services_outlined,
extensions: [
contents: [
ProductCardDescriptor(layouts: [
contentBuilders: [

5. Seeing it in action

Below you can see two product cards, each rendered with the mini and default layouts.

Different layouts for the ProductCard


This article showed you the way to create multiple layouts for a ContentItem. By simply changing it on the CMS, we are able to affect the change on the App without any special deployment. This is a hidden super power of the framework, where you can try out different layouts without changing much of your original code.

Under different contexts, different layouts are useful and this capability is now available to you as you build more complex applications.