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A Schema-first approach

Let’s start with the most important entity in the entire App: a Wonder.

We are dealing with a collection of wonders, where each wonder can have a fairly complex structure that describes various aspects such as facts, history, construction, location, photos, etc. It is best to treat this as Structured Content and build a schema that can define a Wonder. This is our starting point.

Identifying the Schema

After digging through the content aspects of a wonder, we came up with a schema that described most of the Wonder details. Note that there are a few exclusions (such as the artifacts, as mentioned in the previous post).

The Wonder schema

Some of the entities might seem new, such as the PortableText and ImageReference. These are entities from the CMS that help in describing rich text and images respectively. The Vyuh Framework can comfortably handle very complex and sophisticated Rich Text, all rendered in Flutter.

Defining the Schema

With a rich schema in hand, we have now described a single wonder, as structured content. This neatly translates to a CMS schema with a system like Sanity πŸ”—, which is supported as the default CMS for Vyuh.

On Sanity, we define the schema in TypeScript and export it for consumption inside the CMS Studio. A snippet of the schema definition is shown below.

export const wonder: SchemaTypeDefinition = defineType({
name: 'wonderous.wonder',
type: 'document',
title: 'Wonder',
icon: Icon,
fields: [
name: 'identifier',
title: 'Identifier',
type: 'string',
name: 'hexColor',
title: 'Hex Color',
description: (
The primary color of the wonder, expressed in hexadecimal format(
<code>AARRGGBB</code>). Example: <code>FFFF0000</code> for red (
display: 'inline-block',
width: '1rem',
height: '1rem',
backgroundColor: '#FF0000',
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
title: 'Title',
type: 'string',
name: 'subtitle',
title: 'Subtitle',
type: 'string',
name: 'video',
title: 'YouTube Video',
type: 'object',
options: {
columns: 2,
fields: [
name: 'videoId',
title: 'Video Id',
type: 'string',
name: 'caption',
title: 'Caption',
type: 'string',
name: 'startYear',
title: 'Start Year',
'The year when construction started. Years in BCE should be negative.',
type: 'number',
fieldset: 'timeframe',
name: 'endYear',
title: 'End Year',
'The year when construction ended. Years in BCE should be negative.',
type: 'number',
fieldset: 'timeframe',
name: 'unsplashCollectionId',
title: 'Unsplash Collection Id',
type: 'string',
// Rest of the fields ...

Creating Wonders

Each wonder is a separate document of type wonderous.wonder. We can create that inside the CMS Studio and feed all details for each wonder. We went through and extracted all the content for each wonder, as defined in the Wonderous App. Each wonder was created as a separate document inside the CMS Studio.

With Vyuh, your Wonder information stays in one place and its easy to manage it as you keep adding more wonders, well beyond the 8 we have today.

Managing Wonders in the CMS Studio

Once the wonders were all setup in the Studio, it was now time to focus on the Presentation side of the content. In the next article, we will cover the setup for defining the User Journeys on the CMS.