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Vyuh Content Widget


The VyuhContentWidget is a powerful, standalone Flutter widget that simplifies content management and rendering in your Flutter applications. It provides a seamless bridge between your CMS (Content Management System) and Flutter UI, handling all the complexities of data fetching, error handling, and content rendering.

It follows a simple binding-based architecture (via the VyuhContentBinding) that is integrated into your app’s initialization code. This approach allows you to easily switch between different content providers and content types without affecting the rest of your app’s structure.

In fact, you can be creative with your queries and support multiple ContentProvider options within the same App.

VyuhContentWidget Architecture


  • Simplified CMS Integration: Connect to your CMS with minimal boilerplate code
  • Type-safe Content: Strongly typed content models ensure compile-time safety
  • Flexible Content Rendering: Support for both single items and lists of content
  • Built-in Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling with retry capabilities
  • Loading States: Automatic handling of loading states with customizable loaders
  • Query Parameters: Support for parameterized queries for dynamic content

Widget States

Getting Started

1. Add Dependencies

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml:

vyuh_content_widget: ^1.0.0
vyuh_feature_system: ^1.0.0

Setup your CMS

Please refer to the Integrating a CMS guide for setting up your CMS and creating content types. We will leverage the Document (vyuh.document) schema as the primary content type.

2. Initialize VyuhContentBinding

Before using the widget, you need to initialize the content binding with your desired plugins and configurations. This is typically done in your app’s initialization code. The below code shows the initialization with SanityContentProvider.

import 'package:sanity_client/sanity_client.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_content_widget/vyuh_content_widget.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' hide runApp;
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart' as system;
import 'package:vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity/vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity.dart';
// Configure your Sanity provider
final sanityProvider = SanityContentProvider.withConfig(
config: SanityConfig(
projectId: 'your-project-id',
dataset: 'production',
perspective: Perspective.previewDrafts,
useCdn: false,
token: 'your-sanity-token', // Optional: for authenticated requests
cacheDuration: const Duration(seconds: 5), // Optional: configure cache duration
void main() {
plugins: PluginDescriptor(
content: DefaultContentPlugin(provider: sanityProvider),
// Add other plugins as needed, e.g., telemetry
// Optional: Add custom content descriptors
descriptors: [
contents: [MyContent.descriptor()],
contentBuilders: [MyContent.contentBuilder],

This initialization step is crucial as it:

  • Sets up the Sanity content provider for fetching CMS content
  • Sets up content type descriptors for your custom models. By default, it only sets up the vyuh.document content type for Document models. We are enhancing the range of content-blocks by including the system content types from the vyuh_feature_system package.
  • Enables additional plugins like telemetry if needed

3. Basic Usage

The simplest way to use VyuhContentWidget is with a Document. A Document (vyuh.document) is a built-in content type that provides a standard structure for content in Vyuh applications. This is part of the @vyuh/sanity-schema-system 🔗 NPM package.

If you would like to work with your own content sources, make sure to send the document in the same schema. You will also have to create a custom ContentProvider that can fetch your content.

Document Schema in Sanity

name: 'vyuh.document',
type: 'document',
title: 'Document',
fields: [
name: 'title',
title: 'Title',
type: 'string',
validation: Rule => Rule.required()
name: 'identifier',
title: 'Identifier',
type: 'slug',
validation: Rule => Rule.required(),
options: {
source: 'title',
maxLength: 96
name: 'description',
title: 'Description',
type: 'string'
name: 'items',
title: 'Items',
type: 'array',
validation: Rule => Rule.min(1),
of: [] // Populated with allowed content types

Using the identifier

Using the widget with a Document is straightforward by providing an identifier for the Document instance.

identifier: 'hello-world', // matches document's identifier

Using the builder for custom rendering

If you need more control over the rendering, you can pass in a builder that gets the instance of the Document.

identifier: 'hello-world', // matches document's identifier
builder: (context, document) {
return Column(
children: [
if (document.title != null)
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleMedium,
if (document.description != null)
if (document.items != null && document.items!.isNotEmpty)
child: VyuhContentBinding.content.buildContent(

The widget provides these features out of the box:

  • Type-safe access to document fields (title, description, item)
  • Automatic content building for nested items, when using the ContentPlugin.buildContent() method.
  • Default layout handling with DocumentDefaultLayout
  • Proper theme integration with Flutter’s Material Design

Basic Usage Example

4. Custom Content Types

For custom content types, use the generic constructor, where you can pass in the type-argument for the specific ContentItem.

query: '*[_type == "conf.conference"]',
fromJson: Conference.fromJson,
builder: (context, conference) {
return Text(conference.title);

Advanced Usage

Working with Lists

The widget also supports rendering a list of items. The listBuilder is used instead of the builder and receives the list of items instead of a single item.

query: Queries.conferences.query,
fromJson: Queries.conferences.fromJson,
listBuilder: (context, conferences) => ListView.builder(
itemCount: conferences.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) => ListTile(
leading: system.ContentImage(
ref: conferences[index].logo,
width: 48,
height: 48,
title: Text(conferences[index].title),
subtitle: Text(conferences[index].slug),

List View Example

Custom Query Parameters

query: '''*[_type == "article" &&
publishDate >= \$startDate &&
publishDate <= \$endDate
queryParams: {
'startDate': '2024-01-01',
'endDate': '2024-12-31',
fromJson: Article.fromJson,
listBuilder: (context, articles) {
// Render articles

Error Handling

The widget automatically handles errors and provides a built-in error view with retry functionality:

query: '*[_type == ""][0]',
fromJson: BlogPost.fromJson,
builder: (context, post) {
return Column(
children: [

Best Practices

  1. Type Safety: Always specify the content type parameter <T> for better type safety
  2. Query Parameters: Use parameterized queries instead of string interpolation
  3. Error Handling: Let the widget handle errors automatically unless you need custom error UI
  4. Loading States: The widget provides default loading states, but you can customize them through widgetBuilder parameter of VyuhContentBinding.init()


The VyuhContentWidget is a powerful widget for rendering content from a CMS. Use it to fetch content from a CMS Provider (like and render it in your Flutter app, whether it is a standalone app or as part of a larger feature-rich app.

The widget also provides additional benefits such as built-in error handling with retry functionality and a loading state that can be customized as per the Design System of your Flutter app.