TMDB Movies
The Movies App is a much more sophisticated example of applying the Vyuh Framework. It has a host of features that covers the breadth and depth of the framework including:
- Navigating using a combination of template routes from the CMS and Application routes defined with GoRouter.
- Page content rendered from the CMS
- Custom routing configuration
- Controlling bottom tabs from the CMS
- Pages and Dialogs
- Custom content blocks for rendering a Movie or TV Series
- Configurable sections for Movie/Series
- Custom layouts for pages
- Custom actions such as “Add to Watchlist”
- API driven content using the TMDB API
- Using custom packages from
- Building custom packages such as the tmdb_client
- App Experience across Movies / TV Series
- Trending, popular, upcoming movies / series
- Searching by title, genres and other attributes
- Trailers
- Inline and full screen video player
- Adding movies/series to watchlist
- Nested navigation into:
- Cast and Crew
- Biographies of people
- Reviews
- Similar Movies / Series
- Backdrops and Posters
- Custom Design System
- Onboarding pages that talk about the feature
See the code for the example on Github: TMDB Movies 🔗