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Custom API Content

Rendering content from an API remains one of the most popular use cases of the Vyuh Framework. This is expected as most real-world apps will fetch data from an API and render it as per the brand guidelines.

In this guide, we will see how to integrate a third-party API and render it as per our needs.

1. Identifying a Third-Party API

After searching the internet for free API resources, we decided to go with the one at DummyJSON 🔗. This resource gives a variety of APIs for products, carts, recipes, todos, etc.


The API for Products is what we decided to use for this example. It has a rich schema for its responses and good query parameters around which we could model our API Configuration.

There are two endpoints for products that we can use:

  1. Products list 🔗 ( shows a list of products with query parameters to control the limit and skip.
  2. Products search 🔗 (<search-text>): allows searching for products with some search terms (using the q parameter). It also supports the limit and skip query parameters.

2. API Configuration schema for the CMS

Based on the parameters we saw earlier, we have come up with a schema that can be configured from the CMS. It allows changing the limit, skip and searchText parameters. We have also exposed the two types of product endpoints with a simple type enum.

Here is the Sanity schema, with a few parts elided for brevity.

import { defineField, defineType } from 'sanity'
export const dummyJsonApi = defineType({
name: 'misc.apiContent.dummyJson',
type: 'object',
title: 'Dummy JSON API',
fieldsets: [
title: 'Query Parameters',
name: 'queryParameters',
options: { columns: 2 },
fields: [
name: 'type',
title: 'API Type',
type: 'string',
validation: (Rule) => Rule.required(),
initialValue: 'products',
options: {
list: [
{ title: 'Products', value: 'products' },
{ title: 'Search', value: 'search' },
name: 'searchText',
title: 'Search Text',
type: 'string',
fieldset: 'queryParameters',
name: 'limit',
title: 'Limit',
type: 'number',
validation: (Rule) => Rule.min(1).max(50),
initialValue: 10,
fieldset: 'queryParameters',
name: 'skip',
title: 'Skip',
type: 'number',
validation: (Rule) => Rule.min(0),
initialValue: 0,
fieldset: 'queryParameters',
// ... hiding the preview field ...

To ensure this shows up in our CMS, we need to add it to the FeatureDescriptor, like so.

import { FeatureDescriptor } from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-core'
import { APIContentDescriptor } from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-system'
import { dummyJsonApi } from './content/dummy-json-api.ts'
export const misc = new FeatureDescriptor({
name: 'misc',
title: 'Miscellaneous',
contents: [
new APIContentDescriptor({
configurations: [dummyJsonApi],

Now our API configuration shows up on the CMS and we can configure it as we need.

Sanity configuration for the DummyJSON API

3. API Configuration on the Flutter side

As you may already know, the CMS counterpart on the Flutter side has an equivalent FeatureDescriptor that includes the Dart TypeDescriptor which can handle fetching and rendering this API Content.

This is done by extending the ApiConfiguration<T> abstract class. Here we define the schemaType, matching the CMS schema, and override its two methods:

  • invoke(BuildContext context): invokes the API and fetches the content (which you can wrap in type <T>). This is then passed to the build method.
  • build(BuildContext context, T? data): Renders the data as per the Design System. It is possible to receive null, which could be because of lack of data or an error. The type <T>, which represents the response from the API can be defined by you. You can add your exception, if any, or just return plain data. If you want to show more details about the API response, you can create a more complex type to capture it.

In our case, we chose to use a simple ProductList type that is a direct mirror of the response we get from the DummyJSON API. Thus, our Dart equivalent of the API configuration looks like so:

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:feature_misc/content/api/model.dart';
import 'package:feature_misc/content/api/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart';
part 'dummy_json_api_content.g.dart';
final class DummyJsonApiConfiguration extends ApiConfiguration<ProductList> {
static const schemaName = 'misc.apiContent.dummyJson';
static final typeDescriptor = TypeDescriptor(
schemaType: schemaName,
fromJson: DummyJsonApiConfiguration.fromJson,
title: 'DummyJSON API',
final DummyJsonProductApiType type;
final String? searchText;
final int limit;
final int skip;
required this.type,
required this.limit,
required this.skip,
}) : super(schemaType: schemaName, title: 'DummyJSON API');
factory DummyJsonApiConfiguration.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
Widget build(BuildContext context, ProductList? data) {
if (data == null) {
return empty;
return ListContainer(
title: Text(
'${} | Showing ${data.products.length} of ${}',
child: ListView.builder(
addAutomaticKeepAlives: true,
itemBuilder: (_, index) {
final item = data.products[index];
return ProductTile(item: item);
itemCount: data.products.length,
Future<ProductList> invoke(BuildContext context) async {
final parameters = {
if (type == 'q': searchText,
'limit': limit,
'skip': skip,
} => '${x.key}=${x.value}').join('&');
final basePath = switch (type) {
DummyJsonProductApiType.products => '', => '',
final response = await'$basePath?$parameters'));
final list = ProductList.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
return list;

Note that the model types: ProductList, Product and DummyJsonProductApiType are defined in a separate file (model.dart). These are the Dart objects that map to the JSON response from the API. Also notice the use of the plugin for invoking the API. This is the recommended way of invoking APIs in Vyuh. The plugin wraps the HttpClient from the standard library.

The use of the static fields for schemaName and typeDescriptor are just conventions that we have found to be very useful. It keeps the details neatly tucked in the class and makes it easy to include it in the FeatureDescriptor, as seen below:

import 'package:feature_misc/condition/part_of_day.dart';
import 'package:feature_misc/content/api/dummy_json_api_content.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_extension_content/vyuh_extension_content.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart';
final feature = FeatureDescriptor(
name: 'misc',
title: 'Misc',
// ... hiding other fields ...
extensions: [
contents: [
APIContentDescriptor(configurations: [

Notice the use of the APIContentDescriptor where we specify the typeDescriptor for the Dummy JSON API configuration. Later on, if we plan to add more API configurations, we could include them as well in the configurations array for the APIContentDescriptor.

4. API content in action

We can now include the API Content block on the CMS and configure it with the DummyJSON API.

API Content block with the DummyJSON configuration

On the Flutter side, if we do a hot-reload and load the page which has this content block, we can see it live. We have done some simple styling to render the list of products with custom ListContainer and ProductTile widgets.

Rendering the DummyJSON API products


Vyuh has rich provision to integrate custom API endpoints and render their responses. To configure it on the CMS, we define a custom schema with the APIContentDescriptor .

There is a similar task on the Flutter side, where we take care of the implementation details of invoking the API and rendering it. This is done with the APIContentDescriptor where we include the typeDescriptor for this configuration.

Together we now have a powerful, configurable API Content block that can be changed dynamically from the CMS.