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Custom Condition

Conditions, as seen in an earlier article help in switching between two or more possibilities for an Action, Layout, Route or a Content Block. They help in managing more complex scenarios by introducing branch-points at the right places.

Conditions can be defined on the CMS, via a schema, and have its counterpart on the Flutter side. Note that the CMS side is purely declarative and helps in configuring the condition. The Flutter side is where we do the actual implementation for the condition.

CMS is for configuration, Flutter is for implementation

Vyuh allows you to create custom conditions and have them exported from a feature, inside the FeatureDescriptor, both for the CMS side and for the Flutter side.

A Condition for “Part of a Day”

In this guide, let’s go about creating a custom condition that returns the current part of a day. As per general understanding, we will adopt the following parts in our custom condition:

  • morning: 5 am to 12 pm
  • afternoon: 12 pm to 5 pm
  • evening: 5 pm to 9 pm
  • night: 9 pm to 5 am.

Arguably, the time ranges for some of these parts can be tweaked a bit but we will go with these for now.

1. Define the schema for the condition

This condition is dependent on the current time and not something we can statically define. Hence, the schema that we expose on the CMS is super minimal and only contains a title for easy identification. Many of the custom conditions you may define in the future could have such a simple schema.

Below is the Sanity schema we will use.

import { defineField, defineType } from 'sanity'
import { GoClock as Icon } from 'react-icons/go'
export const partOfDay = defineType({
name: 'misc.condition.partOfDay',
title: 'Part of Day',
'Uses the following values: morning | afternoon | evening | night',
type: 'object',
icon: Icon,
fields: [
name: 'title',
title: 'Title',
type: 'string',
readOnly: true,
initialValue: 'Part of Day',
preview: {
prepare(selection) {
return {
title: 'Part of Day',
subtitle: 'morning | afternoon | evening | night',

Note that we have deliberately set the title field to readOnly along with an initialValue.

2. Export the condition schema

The schema on its own will not show up inside the CMS until it is exported in our feature. We do this with the FeatureDescriptor inside the index.ts file for the feature.

import { FeatureDescriptor } from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-core'
import { partOfDay } from './condition/part-of-day.ts'
export const misc = new FeatureDescriptor({
name: 'misc',
title: 'Miscellaneous',
conditions: [partOfDay],

At the top level where the Sanity Studio is defined, we have already included the misc feature in our list of features. Thus the part-of-day condition will now be visible when you try associating this condition for, say, a conditional-block.

Setting the condtion to "Part of Day"

3. Create the Flutter counterpart

The condition equivalent on the Flutter side is where we bring it to life. This is done by extending the ConditionConfiguration and implementing its execute() method.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_extension_content/vyuh_extension_content.dart';
part 'part_of_day.g.dart';
final class PartOfDayCondition extends ConditionConfiguration {
static const schemaName = 'misc.condition.partOfDay';
static final typeDescriptor = TypeDescriptor(
schemaType: schemaName,
fromJson: PartOfDayCondition.fromJson,
title: 'Part of Day',
PartOfDayCondition() : super(schemaType: schemaName, title: 'Part of Day');
factory PartOfDayCondition.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
Future<String?> execute(BuildContext context) {
final now =;
final hour = now.hour;
if (hour < 12) {
// 5AM - 12PM
return Future.value('morning');
} else if (hour < 17) {
// 12PM - 5PM
return Future.value('afternoon');
} else if (hour < 21) {
// 5PM - 9PM
return Future.value('evening');
} else {
// 9PM - 5AM
return Future.value('night');

The logic which we described earlier in the article is now being used to determine the part of the day. The typeDescriptor field helps in defining the registry entry for the content deserializer, which we will use in when exporting the feature.

4. Export inside the feature

Just like we did for the schema, we include the condition with the FeatureDescriptor for the Flutter side as well. This is where the typeDescriptor comes in handy.

import 'package:feature_misc/condition/part_of_day.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_extension_content/vyuh_extension_content.dart';
final feature = FeatureDescriptor(
name: 'misc',
title: 'Misc',
'Miscellaneous feature showing all capabilities of the Vyuh Framework.',
icon: Icons.miscellaneous_services_outlined,
routes: () async {
return [
path: '/misc',
pageBuilder: defaultRoutePageBuilder,
extensions: [
conditions: [

5. Apply the condition to a Content Block

Finally, we get to use our condition!

Let’s create a Conditional Block in our CMS and define the content items to show for the different conditions. We have created simple Card items with the title mentioning the part of the day.

Configuring a Conditional block

And here is the App in action, showing the appropriate greeting. We are just shy of 12pm by 18 minutes, which is why its still morning.

Part of Day condition, in action


Custom conditions allow extending the framework to add App specific conditional logic. This can be done by creating a schema for the CMS and then its counterpart in Flutter. In both places, we export the custom condition inside the FeatureDescriptor.

In this guide, we saw an example of using it for a simple Conditional block showing different Cards depending on the “part of the day”. This can also be applied to more complex scenarios such as:

  • changing the theme of the App as the day progresses
  • switching Layouts of content items, say between morning and evening
  • invoking different Actions
  • switching between different pages based on the part of the day