CMS stands for Content Management System
The CMS (Content for short) is a flagship extension provided by the Vyuh Framework. It allows you to integrate with any headless-CMS and have it control the App Experience. By default we provide support for Sanity.io 🔗, a popular headless-CMS that works well for the kind of scenarios that we expect in App Development.
The Vyuh Framework supports extensions that allow you to extend the capabilities
of the framework in new directions. The Content extension is supported by two
types of classes: ContentExtensionDescriptor
and ContentExtensionBuilder
These two work in conjunction to extract the content-extensions by various
features and use that to render content in the final App.
The concept of Descriptors and Builders
plays a significant role here. The ContentExtensionDescriptor
is used by
individual features to export the various content types, actions, conditions
and other kinds of configurations. The ContentExtensionBuilder
compiles all
these descriptors, across the features and assembles a registry that is used
to render content at runtime.
CMS Setup
In order to work well with the headless CMS, we need two counterparties to
work together. On the CMS side, we have to export the schemas that are used to
configure the content types. This is done by using the FeatureDescriptor
the CMS that collects the schemas exported by individual features.
Most headless CMS-es are TypeScript based, including Sanity.io (our default
supported CMS). The Sanity Studio supports creating custom plugins to simplify
the setup of schemas. We do this with our plugin, aptly named the vyuh
plugin, which takes in a list of features and builds the master schema for
Sanity. Here is the typical sanity.config.ts
file for a Vyuh project:
import { defineConfig } from 'sanity'import { vyuh } from '@vyuh/sanity-plugin-structure'import { system } from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-system'import { firebaseAuth } from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-firebase-auth'import { onboarding } from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-onboarding'import { forms } from '@vyuh/sanity-schema-forms'
export default defineConfig([ { name: 'default', title: 'My Vyuh Studio', basePath: '/',
projectId: '<project-id>', dataset: 'production',
plugins: [ vyuh({ features: [ system, firebaseAuth, onboarding, forms, // ... other features ... // ], }), ], },])
Notice the use of the vyuh()
plugin in the highlighted line. We pass in
the array of features, where each feature is an instance of the
. A feature-descriptor can export multiple types of content.
You can see it in its definition:
class FeatureDescriptor { name: string title: string description: string contents: ContentDescriptor[] contentSchemaBuilders: ContentSchemaBuilder[] contentSchemaModifiers: ContentSchemaModifier[] actions: SchemaTypeDefinition[] conditions: SchemaTypeDefinition[]
// ... other properties and methods ... //}
For a deeper dive into setting up the CMS, do refer to the guide on Integrating the CMS.
Flutter Setup
A similar setup exists on the Flutter side, where we bootstrap the counterpart-features of the content schemas. Here is the Dart code that will help in rendering the Vyuh App with the previously mentioned features from the CMS setup:
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vc;import 'package:vyuh_extension_content/vyuh_extension_content.dart';import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart' as system;
// ... various imports of the features, plugins and libraries ... //
void main() async { final plugins = await _getPlugins();
vc.runApp( initialLocation: '/chakra', features: () => [ system.feature, developer.feature, onboarding.feature, firebase_auth.feature(), forms.feature, ], plugins: plugins, );}
_getPlugins() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
await Firebase.initializeApp(options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform);
final contentProvider = SanityContentProvider.withConfig( config: SanityConfig( projectId: '<your-project-id>', dataset: 'production', perspective: Perspective.previewDrafts, useCdn: false, token: '<your-token>', ), cacheDuration: const Duration(seconds: 5), );
return PluginDescriptor( content: DefaultContentPlugin( provider: contentProvider, // provider: localContentProvider, ), analytics: vc.AnalyticsPlugin(providers: [ FirebaseAnalyticsProvider(), SentryAnalyticsProvider( config: SentryProviderConfig( sampleRate: 0.2, dsn: '<your-sentry-dsn>', )), ]), auth: FirebaseAuthPlugin(), others: [ vc.ConsoleLoggerPlugin(), FirebaseFeatureFlagPlugin( settings: RemoteConfigSettings( fetchTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 10), minimumFetchInterval: const Duration(seconds: 10), ), ), ], );}
The main entry point is on the highlighted line, where we call runApp()
the vyuh_core
library. As expected, it takes in an array of features
and bootstraps the Vyuh App to life.
Continue exploring the various aspects of Vyuh for a flexible system of building, evolving a Flutter App, configured from a CMS.