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Introducing Vyuh for React

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We’re excited to announce the release of Vyuh for React - bringing the powerful CMS-driven approach of the Vyuh framework to the React ecosystem!

Vyuh Expands Beyond Flutter

While Vyuh has been transforming how developers build Flutter applications with headless CMS integrations, we’ve heard from many of you who wanted to bring this same approach to your React projects. Today, we’re thrilled to deliver exactly that.

Vyuh for React provides the same core benefits that made the Flutter version so powerful:

  • CMS-driven UI development - connect your React apps to and other headless CMS platforms
  • Dynamic content updates without code changes or redeployments
  • Modular architecture for building scalable applications with composable features and standardized plugins.
  • Live content editing for real-time preview of CMS changes

Getting Started

Adding Vyuh to your React project is straightforward with your favorite package manager. We need the following packages:

  • @vyuh/react-core: Core package for Vyuh React
  • @vyuh/react-extension-content: Extension for working with CMS content
  • @vyuh/react-feature-system: Core feature for working with a CMS
  • @vyuh/react-plugin-content-provider-sanity: Content provider for
Terminal window
pnpm add @vyuh/react-core @vyuh/react-extension-content @vyuh/react-feature-system @vyuh/react-plugin-content-provider-sanity

Then integrate it with your React application:

import { VyuhProvider } from '@vyuh/react-core'
import { RouteLoader } from '@vyuh/react-extension-content'
import { SanityContentProvider } from '@vyuh/react-plugin-content-provider-sanity'
import { systemFeature } from '@vyuh/react-feature-system'
import { shopFeature } from './features/shop'
function App() {
return (
features={[systemFeature, shopFeature]}
new SanityContentProvider({
projectId: 'your-project-id',
dataset: 'production',
useCdn: true,
<YourAppComponent />
// For rendering CMS-driven pages
function ProductsPage() {
return <RouteLoader path="/products" live={true} />

Notice the use of the RouteLoader component that allows you to load a document at a path. You can also pass it the live property and make this route automatically update whenever there are changes to that particular document.

Note for Next.js users

If you’re using Vyuh with Next.js, you can integrate it into your pages or app router:

// pages/products.tsx or app/products/page.tsx
import { RouteLoader } from '@vyuh/react-extension-content'
export default function ProductsPage() {
return <RouteLoader path="/products" />

Make sure to wrap your Next.js app with the VyuhProvider in your _app.tsx or root layout component.

Vyuh + Sanity

Vyuh + Sanity

Vyuh for React is designed to work seamlessly with 🔗, our preferred CMS platform. Sanity provides a powerful and flexible content management system that integrates well with Vyuh’s CMS-driven approach.


For comprehensive documentation on using Vyuh with React, check out our new React-specific guides:

What’s Next?

This is just the beginning for Vyuh React. We’re working on bringing more features from the Flutter version to React, including:

  • Enhanced developer tools for React
  • More pre-built components, plugins and templates
  • Additional CMS integrations

We’re excited to see what you build with Vyuh for React! Share your projects with us on GitHub 🔗 or join our Discord community 🔗 to connect with other Vyuh developers.